Saturday, January 29, 2011

Some Great Song Downloads

As some of you know, I love the hymn "And Can it Be" by Charles Wesley (which we're singing this Sunday in church!). There are only a couple of really great versions of the hymn to purchase on iTunes, however. And I've looked, believe me. I thought I'd post the links to my two favorites.

Bob Kauflin, leading live from the Sovereign Grace "Together For The Gospel" conference.
This version is Kauflin, leading from a piano, with a huge auditorium of men (mostly pastors) singing along. Really great live worship recording.

Enfield's full-band version.
This one is a more contemporary arrangement, close to what we're doing in church. Really good dynamics in the song, that compliment the movement through the verses.

I can't recommend one more than the other - they're both great as they are. And they're only .99 cents each on iTunes. Worth your $1.98 for both.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Josh...just found out about your's very encouraging...hope to see you post again soon...
