A group of us met yesterday (Thursday), to talk over the passage for Sunday. We talked about the essential parts of the Gospel that Paul loved and preached. We basically agreed that the Gospel really teaches us 4 things, that makes up what we call "the Gospel."
1. Who God is (His character, attributes, what He's revealed about Himself);
2. Who I am in comparison to God (a created being, sinful from birth);
3. Who Christ is (that God sent His Son (God born in the flesh) at the perfect time, to die and raise again for us);
4. What I need to do (how I live now that I've been saved in and through Jesus).
So, our singing this Sunday will compliment this Gospel message, moving from thoughts of God's majesty and attributes, to what He has accomplished for us in Jesus' death and resurrection.
This week's music:
1. Our God
2. Indescribable
3. Here I Am to Worship
4. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
A thought (or two) on Indescribable:
I've been thinking about this song the past week. I think it's one many of us know pretty well by now, which unfortunately means it's easy to sing without thinking about the words. Some of the lyrics to this one are pretty amazing though, and it's worth highlighting a few lines. Think about these:
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea, creation's revealing Your majesty!
Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go?
Who imagined the sun, and gives source to its light?
Incomparable, unchangeable; You see the depths of my heart, and You love me the same. You are amazing, God!
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