I'm looking forward to this Sunday! We'll be singing together, and taking bread & cup communion together before we hear from Pastor Jordan, who will preaching from Titus 1:10-16. His sermon will be very Gospel-centered, and so will our singing! The order of songs is below, with each one linked to the closest recorded version on YouTube. Let's prepare our hearts for Sunday, and be very thoughtful about our worship together in Sunday's corporate setting.
A great call to worship, and one of our re-arranged hymns. We haven't played this in our church as long as I can remember, but it should be a familiar congregational hymn for many. It will lead out in praise to our triune God.
Tim introduced this song two Sundays ago. It's an exultation in the greatness of our God, centering around the bridge which is a paraphrase of Romans 8:31-35 - that if God is for us, what can possibly stand against us? We'll sing this as a declaration against our sin that we are constantly at war with, whether we realize it or not.
We'll transition with this song, into a meditation on the Gospel, and what God has done for us, in and through Jesus Christ. This is a fairly simple hymn, rejoicing in the love of Christ, our Savior. I love the 2nd verse, which says that "He took our sins and our sorrows, and made them His very own."
This song will be the "capstone" of the morning. It's a Gospel-centered song from Sovereign Grace Music, and it hits all points of the Gospel. God looked upon us in our sin and in our inability to seek after Him; He "looked upon our helpless state," and led us to the cross; now, as adopted children of God, we are free from sin to live lives of worship to God. We'll make it our prayer that He will use "our ransomed lives in any way He chooses."
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