You can read an English translation of Luther's 95 theses here!
So, fun facts aside, we have some good things coming up this Sunday morning. Pastor John will be preaching from Titus 2:3-5, focusing on the character and ambitions of a godly younger woman. Our Children's Choir will also be singing a song during service. You'll get to hear them in church a few more times throughout the holiday season!
The music team will lead the following songs:
1. Lord, Reign in Me
As John continues to preach from Titus 2, a classic passage on appropriate Christian living/conduct, it's important that we sing a few songs that connect to that theme. This song is great, in that it focuses both on the glory and greatness of God ("Over all the earth, You reign on high..."), and responds to that with a prayer for Him to cause us to live in obedience because HE is ruling in our hearts ("Lord, reign in me/Reign in Your power/Over all my dreams/In my darkest hour").
We'll continue singing after a short greeting/fellowship time, with Glorious and Mighty. This is one of our church's newer favorites, put out by Sovereign Grace Music. With this song we'll transition from our prayer in Reign in Me, to more focused attention on the character of God which should be inspiring our worship. I love how this song is a joyful exultation in who our God is.
Here's where we'll transition into thinking and singing about the Gospel. The connection to what we've already been singing about is clear: "Maker of the universe/Broken for the sins of the earth/All because of Your love!"
See you Sunday morning!