Saturday, October 13, 2012

Preparing for Sunday, 10/14/12

Hey everyone,
been a couple weeks since I've blogged. Hope this post finds you well and ready to prepare a little bit for tomorrow's worship gathering. Jordan will be preaching on 1 Corinthians 7:10-16, a part 2 of last weeks sermon dealing with marriage and divorce, and how Christians are especially called to live in light of these situations. Click the link above to read the passage ahead of time, so our time in Scripture is as rich as possible. The more preaching I listen to, the more I'm convinced I need to regularly prepare my heart ahead of time to listen and be taught, edified and convicted by the proclaiming of God's Word.

We'll sing the following songs tomorrow:

1. Happy Day
A rousing tune, calling our hearts to rejoice in "the greatest day in history" when Christ accomplished his sacrifice and payment for our sin, for all who come to Him by faith. The song also looks forward to the "endless joy" and "perfect peace" prepared for us, that Christ will bring us into one day as we spend eternity in glory with our King.

2. How Great Is Our God
This one is especially valuable as a setup for our 3rd song of the morning. We'll also tag a chorus of "How Great Thou Art" on the end of this one, so be ready to belt that out when we come to it.

3. The Power Of The Cross
Here's how "How Great Is Our God" sets us up for this hymn. "How Great" talks about God's splendor and majesty, His greatness, and the fact that God is also triune, "Father, Spirit, Son." Then our 3rd song here will say in its 3rd verse, that the earth became dark and the ground "quaked as its Maker bowed His head." God the glorious Creator, the Name above all names, became flesh, dwelt among us, and bore all of the wrath we deserved for our sin and rebellion against Him. Hopefully the order of songs this morning gets us fairly deep into the Gospel truths of what Jesus accomplished as God's sacrificed Son.

Hope to see you tomorrow morning! Get your voice and your Bible ready.

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