Saturday, September 22, 2012

Preparing for Sunday, 9/23/12

Hey everybody,
hope you'll be in church with us tomorrow. Make sure you're on-time, as we'll start our corporate worship with a little singing together, followed by 2 baptisms. It's a big deal to share in a time of baptism together as a gathered church, and there is an element of worship and accountability on all of us when one of our own proclaims their adoption into God's family by being baptized. Don't miss out on this opportunity and joy to be a part of the gathered Church this way.

Jordan will preach from 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 again this week, doing kind of a PART 2 of last week. He'll be talking about what it actually looks like to flee sexual immorality, and flee to the infinitely better things God gives us in the Gospel, in His Son. Follow the link above to give the passage a read.

We'll sing through the following songs tomorrow. Before I list out our song set, here's a quote by David Mathis of DesiringGod, about considering others and participating heartily in a time of corporate singing. I really encourage reading the whole article, but here's a great thought from it:

"Participate heartily.
Heartily" is an attempt to communicate a balanced kind of engaged participation---not being a mere spectator and not being that guy singing with the out-of-control volume. The problem of over-participating speaks for itself (quite literally), but in regard to under-participating, note that you are actually robbing others of the value of corporate worship when you don't engage. Your presence is a part, and your voice is a part as well. The experience of corporate worship is enriched when all the attendees participate."

We're all responsible to play our part in a corporate worship gathering. Every voice is, indeed, a crucial part, and is hugely important. If we miss your voice in the time of singing, it's really like missing you from a part of what we're doing, in a way.

Here are our songs. Be ready to sing it out with us tomorrow!

1. Blessed Be Your Name

2. Before The Throne Of God Above

3. Behold Our God

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