" Communion is the best safeguard against doctrinal error, the best defense against apathy and lethargy, the best motivation for love and excitement for the Redeemer, and the best window into the depth and accessibility of gospel truth...God understands we forget. That's why He put Communion in our path...How do you uneclipse Jesus? You hold precious His death and remember His greatness. How do you hold that He is precious? By examining your life and seeing your sinfulness and loving His sacrifice on the cross on your behalf."
We do all these things as we take communion together. It will be a sweet time as we gather and remind ourselves and each other of the greatness of our Savior. Again, don't miss out!
Jordan will be preaching a sermon, entitled "David: From Desperation to Hope," from 1 Samuel 21 and Psalm 34. Read the passages over and be thinking through them ahead of time.
We'll sing songs that focus on the glory of Jesus and of what He accomplished on the Cross. The order will go as follows:
1. Open the Eyes of My Heart
This is a "call to worship" song, where we make it our prayer first-of-all for God to reveal his greatness to us as we gather to worship Him together. My challenge for us all (myself included!) is to not just sing this song through because it's familiar, but to sing with real affections. I hope we pray earnestly as we sing that God really will renew our view of His worth and greatness.
2. The Glories of Calvary
We introduced this song a few months ago, and it became a new favorite among us I think. A lot of songs that really focus on the cross are slower and contemplative (which is great). This one is bigger and more up-tempo, which is also obviously appropriate as we celebrate our salvation in Jesus. The 2nd verse correctly proclaims, "Sinners find eternal joy in the triumph of Your wounds!"
3. All I Have Is Christ
This tune is a great "narrative" song of what God did when he saved us. Verse 2 says,
But as I ran my hell-bound race, indifferent to the cost
You looked upon my helpless state and led me to the cross
And I beheld God's love displayed - You suffered in my place
You bore the wrath reserved for me; now all I know is grace!
I hope this helps you prepare for Sunday morning. Lookin' forward to seeing all of you there!
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