We had a great rehearsal last night for this week's music. Our times of singing on Thursdays have been worshipful and energetic, which always gets me really excited for Sunday morning.
This coming Sunday is going to be a little unique for us. We've been talking about Paul's fervent prayers for the Colossian believers, that they would grow in the knowledge of God and of Christ, and that they would abound in love for one another. So we're going to devote some time to prayer during the service, where a couple of men will lead us in prayer for the people of Japan. It should be a really good opportunity for us to worship God through prayer, and humbly come before him on behalf of those affected by the disaster. Really, it's an opportunity for us to practically live out together some of what we've been studying in Colossians.
The kids' choir will also be singing our 2nd song of the morning. It's always encouraging to have them as a part of our corporate worship on Sunday.
Jordan will be preaching through Colossians 2:11-15, and our songs will be interspersed through the time of prayer. We'll also sing a song together at the end, to respond to the preaching of God's Word. Here's the song list:
1. Forever
An exultation in God's faithfulness to His people, and his sovereignty over our lives.
2. Indescribable (kids' choir)
A song about God's majesty and glory in creation, that we'll worship to by listening.
3. Glorious and Mighty
A creative re-working of Psalm 96 to music. The song speaks of God's grace, but also of His sovereignty and justice, and that he is sovereignty gracious and good! This is a really important song for us to sing together, especially given what we'll be praying about together on Sunday.
4. Blessed Assurance
This is a tune of confidence and hope, that God has saved us in and through Jesus, and that because of that we look forward with great hope to His return.
5. All I Have is Christ (closing song)
One of my favorite "modern hymns." This song is also a song of confidence, and joy in having Jesus as our highest treasure. God redeemed and saved us from His own wrath and justice, by crushing His Son for us. So we can sing "Hallelujah, all I have is Christ!" because if we are saved by faith in Christ, we do possess every good thing.
Lookin' forward to worshiping with you on Sunday, and to what God will do among his church as we meet together!
The kids' choir will also be singing our 2nd song of the morning. It's always encouraging to have them as a part of our corporate worship on Sunday.
Jordan will be preaching through Colossians 2:11-15, and our songs will be interspersed through the time of prayer. We'll also sing a song together at the end, to respond to the preaching of God's Word. Here's the song list:
1. Forever
An exultation in God's faithfulness to His people, and his sovereignty over our lives.
2. Indescribable (kids' choir)
A song about God's majesty and glory in creation, that we'll worship to by listening.
3. Glorious and Mighty
A creative re-working of Psalm 96 to music. The song speaks of God's grace, but also of His sovereignty and justice, and that he is sovereignty gracious and good! This is a really important song for us to sing together, especially given what we'll be praying about together on Sunday.
4. Blessed Assurance
This is a tune of confidence and hope, that God has saved us in and through Jesus, and that because of that we look forward with great hope to His return.
5. All I Have is Christ (closing song)
One of my favorite "modern hymns." This song is also a song of confidence, and joy in having Jesus as our highest treasure. God redeemed and saved us from His own wrath and justice, by crushing His Son for us. So we can sing "Hallelujah, all I have is Christ!" because if we are saved by faith in Christ, we do possess every good thing.
Lookin' forward to worshiping with you on Sunday, and to what God will do among his church as we meet together!
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