Saturday, February 4, 2012

Preparing for Sunday, 2/5/12

We'll continue this week with our mini-series on giving in the church. I have to say, I've been hugely motivated and encouraged, and challenged by this preaching series from 2 Corinthians. My wife and I get comfortable in the giving of our money to the church. But when we're comfortable with our giving, maybe it's time to think about what we can do to give more. I've been especially challenged by the fact that giving should be planned and thoughtful, not just an afterthought of the week or month. If I'm a part of the life of our local church, I'm a part of the redeemed family of God and have a family life and identity to participate in. So we plan to share our resources, and do it out of thankfulness for all that God has ultimately done for us. You probably want to just read all of 2 Corinthians 9 to get ready for tomorrow.

We'll sing the following songs:

1. Your Grace is Enough
This will be our "call to worship" song, reminding ourselves right from the start of the morning that God has poured out His love and grace on His people, and that we could not be more welcomed into God's redeemed family than we are.

2. My Hope is Built
We'll focus things in a little more with this hymn, that basically unpacks Hebrews 6:13-20, that says that Christ has secured and anchored our salvation permanently and for good, by His sacrifice for sin. Can't say enough about how much I love this one.

3. There is a Redeemer
This is another great hymn that will hit more sides of Christ's great, finished work. The songs says, "Jesus, our Redeemer, Name above all names/Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Hope for sinners slain!"

The chorus also affirms that God has not left us alone once saved, but has out His Spirit in us, to sanctify and bring us safely home to Him. Good stuff.

4. All I Have is Christ
This is something of a "narrative" or story song.  This one will give us the chance to respond to all of Christ's great saving work, by singing in the 3rd verse, "Now Father, use my ransomed life in any way You choose/And let my song forever be 'My only hope is You!

Hope to see you tomorrow. Really looking forward to gathering for worship in the morning!

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