Friday, June 15, 2012

Preparing for Sunday, 6/17/12 FATHERS' DAY

Hope you're planning to meet together with us this Sunday. We're taking communion together in service, so make sure you don't miss it! Our Lord commands us to observe communion together, to remember the broken body and shed blood of Christ on our behalf. Communion helps us in a few important ways:

  1. It helps us remember the great price that God paid to secure our salvation - He did not even spare His only Son, to substitute payment for sin, and eternal life to us.
  2. It helps us remember the greatness of our salvation, and it helps us treasure our Savior - if Christ Himself secured our pardon for sin, with His own blood, we can be sure that God really does desire to show kindness to His people for all eternity (Eph. 2:4-7).
  3. It helps us fight our sin - in a world and culture that pull on our attention and our affections, we fight our sinful tendency to wander from God by repeatedly remembering what Christ has done for us. When we find the greatest joy in our Savior, the passing pleasures of sin lose their power over us.
In addition to taking communion, Jordan will be preaching from 1 Corinthians 2:6b-11, on the wisdom of God that is put on full display in the Gospel, specifically in His crucified Son. You don't want to miss diving into the Word with us - read the passage ahead of time, so you have some context heading into the sermon.

We'll sing the following songs this Sunday, focusing on God's faithfulness to His people, and the great cost that He paid to wash away our sins. I'm including a quote from each of the songs, that's particularly important to that song. Also, below is an embedded video of the new song we introduced last week and that we'll sing again this Sunday. It's called "Behold Our God." Give it a few listens, so you're ready to really belt it out with us on Sunday!

"For the life that's been reborn - His love endures forever...From the rising to the setting sun - His love endures forever!"

"No condemnation now I dread - Jesus and all in Him is mine/Alive in Him, my living Head, and clothed in righteousness divine."

"Who has felt the nails upon His hands, bearing all the guilt of sinful man/God eternal, humbled to the grave/Jesus, Savior risen now to reign!"

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