Jordan will be preaching tomorrow from Luke 11:1-4, continuing our short series on "Jesus' School of Prayer." The neat thing about this prayer is that it starts with the desire for God to be hallowed and worshiped among mankind, and the requests for necessities, and for forgiveness are the outflow of that worshipful heart attitude. How often do we come to God this way, first with an attitude of dependence on the strength He supplies, and a desire for His name to be hallowed? We will have much joy, and accomplish much for the Kingdom if that heart condition is where we start.
So we'll be singing about the greatness, strength and power of God, and also singing a couple of songs that connect those attributes of God with the salvation God has provided for us in Jesus' death and resurrection. Below are the songs, with quick thought I had about each one as I picked it out for this week. Get ready to sing it out with us tomorrow!
1. Our God
Water You turned into wine, opened the eyes of the blind/There's none like You, no one like You" This song rejoices in the great power of God, and the compassion He shows toward us as well, singing about how God gave sight to the blind, and how He looks after His children
2. Open the Eyes of My Heart
Since we're studying prayer together, we'll sing this song of prayer as a response to Our God, asking God to sovereignly open the eyes of our hearts to His greatness and worth.
3. Stronger
This is a newer song we've been singing the last couple of months. This is the central "thesis" song for the morning - that we have been saved from our sin by a strong Savior, and as a result and effect of that, our desire should be for the name of Christ to be exalted and glorified.
4. Nothing but the Blood
Kind of a "reworking" of a classic hymn, this song continues the thought that the sacrifice of Christ for our sin is infinitely valuable and glorious. The songs says, "Your blood speaks a better word than all the empty claims I've heart upon this earth/Speaks righteousness for me, and stands in my defense."

RENEW!: Instead of a 2nd hour of teaching in the morning, we'll be gathering at night at 5:00 for a picnic dinner (bring your own food). Then the kids will head to the chapel, and the "grownups" will head into the main sanctuary for their respective times of teaching. We'll be hearing from Philip deCourcy on "Knowing and Living God's Will." We'll sing the following songs:
1. God of Wonders
2. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
3. My Hope is Built (The Solid Rock)
Hope to see you there!
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