Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Engaging with God" in Worship

David Peterson wrote a great book (that I have yet to read in full), on Biblical worship and its implications for us in the New Testament "Church Age." His book is considered one of the best out there on the subject of worship (why have I not read it yet?). Kevin DeYoung quotes some of his thoughts on worship here, which is where the following quote is from. Good stuff! Hope it encourages you and prepares you a little bit for Sunday.

Why would we not sing deep, solid songs about the Gospel every single Sunday?

[T]rue worship is gospel-centered. The gospel–Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection–is what makes worship possible. The gospel is what we proclaim in worship. The gospel is what we sing in worship. The gospel is what calls a people together in worship, arouses a people to praise in worship, and sends a people out in a life of worship. Some churches ignore the gospel. Others reject the gospel. Many churches only touch the gospel tangentially, focusing on nebulous truths like relationships or connecting with God or acceptance or love. But in the best churches, never does a Sunday go by when God’s people don’t sing about the cross or glory in our Redeemer or marvel at substitutionary atonement (emphasis added).

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