Well tomorrow we have not one, but two opportunities to meet and worship corporately. I'm excited - it should be a great Sunday!
Pastor John is preaching out of 1 Kings 19:19-21, and our songs will be as follows:
- Happy Day - An exultation in our salvation, that Christ has fully accomplished on the cross for us. "What a glorious day, what a glorious way that You have saved me."
- There is a Fountain - A newer (but not too different) reworking of the hymn by William Cowper. We introduced this song early in the Summer because it is a great expression of the power of the blood of Christ, shed for us. His blood washes all our sin away, and will never lose its power to present the church sinless before God.
- The Wonderful Cross - This song will come after announcements and the offering. The key point in this song, that we'll sing twice, will be that the saving love of God, that comes to us in and through Christ, demands our souls, and our lives. God will have it no other way for those whom He saves.
- How Marvelous - A final song glorying in the cross. I love the last verse of this hymn, that says "When with the ransomed in glory, His face I at last shall see; twill be my joy through the ages to sing of His love for me!" The Gospel will be the theme of our worship of God, even throughout eternity.
We'll close our time together in the evening with the following two songs.
- O Worship the King - A reworking of an old hymn, that we starting singing at our church over the Summer. A great hymn about the glory of God, and His powerful majesty.
- How Great is Our God - A very familiar song for us, and a great last song of response to how faithful God has been to our church over the past couple of years.
See you Sunday, hopefully morning and evening!